A Message from Our Pastor
We believe God has a plan for Santa Clarita. The Santa Clarita Valley is blessed with some great Bible-teaching churches, but we also know that less than 10% of the Valley is connected to one of these churches. We radically believe the Gospel is God’s solution to putting people back into a family relationship with Him. The local church is not about buildings or budgets.
"It is about people - His people, His family, and His church."
We are seeking to follow Jesus in every area of our life, and though we are not a perfect family by any means, we are in rapid pursuit of the One who is perfect. If God calls you to Crossroads, we look forward to you being a part of our crazy, loving family. There is no debate that following Jesus means the best is yet to come!
Pastor Todd Smith | Senior Pastor & Elder
Grow in Christ Together.
Once someone has come to Know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, we are committed to seeing them Grow to be like Jesus. We aim in everything to be all about seeing God build humble, Spirit-led disciples, who delight in Christ above all, and are investing in Kingdom fruitfulness. We believe that growing in love for God and people will be focused on being people who are: Loving Jesus, Walking Prayerfully, Thinking Biblically, Serving Others. Below are key ministries we aim to achieve this in: